
Section 2A Bail Act 1997

High Court Bail - section 2A Bail Act 1997

1. In bail applications where the Director of Public Prosecutions intends to lead evidence from a member of An Garda Síochána not below the rank of Chief Superintendent pursuant to section 2A of the Bail Act 1997 as amended, notice of such intention should be given as soon as is practicable to the applicant or his legal representatives and the Registrar of this Court.

2. Such bail application will be listed on the return day specified in the notice of motion grounding the application at Cloverhill Courthouse for mention only. It is not necessary for the applicant (unless he is not legally represented) to be produced before the court on that date.

3. On such return date the judge taking the bail list may fix a time and date for the hearing of the bail application in the Criminal Courts of Justice, Parkgate Street, Dublin 8.  The judge may give such further directions (including the making of a production order) as he or she deems appropriate in order to ensure that the bail application will proceed at the time and on the date appointed.

4. This practice direction comes into force with immediate effect.

Peter Kelly,
President of the High Court
30 June, 2016

High court