The Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 is designed to provide information for the public on the identity of those communicating with designated public officials on specific policy, legislative matters or prospective decisions.

Further information about the legislation and guidance on the Act is available on

Section 6(4) of the Act requires each public body to publish a list of designated public officials of the body.

The purpose of the list is:

  1. to allow members of the public identify those persons who are designated public officials; and
  2. as a resource for lobbyists filing a return to the Register of Lobbyists who may need to source a Designated Public Official’s details.

Designated public officials within the Courts Service are:

Name Job Title Area of responsibility
Angela Denning Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer
Tom Ward Assistant Secretary Offices of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, and High Court
Vacancy Assistant Secretary Offices of the Circuit Court, District Court, Central Criminal Court, and Special Criminal Court;  Courts Service regional offices
John Cleere Assistant Secretary Finance (including Courts Service vote and court funds); Procurement, Risk Management
Owen Harrison Assistant Secretary Information & Communications Technology; Information Services 
Emer Darcy Assistant Secretary Reform of court legislation; modernisation of court rules, practices and procedures; support for court rules committees; library services, Judicial Research Support, Organisation Development & Training, Media Relations, Provison of Information 
Anne Heenan Probate Officer Probate Office of the High Court; issue of grants of probate and letters of administration