
Consent Orders

Consent orders

During the Covid 19 emergency consent orders will be made in the High Court without the necessity of the parties attending in court.

Such orders will be made on foot of an email exhibiting the consent of all of the parties to the litigation.  The orders will date from the date when the email containing the consent is received and the email and a copy of the consent will be placed on the court file.

This procedure will apply in all civil lists in the High Court but it is imperative that the email seeking the consent order must include the consent of all of the parties to the litigation.

Peter Kelly,
President of the High Court

Dated 23rd March, 2020
E mails should be sent to hcmotions@courts.ie with the record number and the relevant List in the subject line.



This Practice Direction is revoked by HC 108 from Monday the 19th of July 2021.

High court