Index of Superior Courts Rules

Superior Courts Rules Status: Current version as at 29 April 2019

Order 109 Industrial and Provident Societies (Amendment) Act 1978
Order 130 Freedom of Information Act 1997
Order 131 Committees of the Houses of the Oireachtas
Order 132 Applications pursuant to Article 28.4.3 of the Constitution
Order 133 Child Abduction and Enforcement of Custody Orders
Order 134 Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse
Order 134A Residential Institutions Redress Act 2002
Order 139 Applications under the Coroners Act 1962
Order 34 Special Case
Order 35 Issues of Fact Without Pleadings
Order 36 Trial
Order 37 Hearing of Proceedings Commenced by Summary Summons
Order 38 Hearing of Proceedings Commenced by Special Summons
Order 39 Evidence
Order 40 Affidavits
Order 41 Motion for Judgment and Entry of Judgment
Order 42 Execution
Order 42A Protective Measures and Enforcement of Judgments, Authentic Instruments, Court Settlements and Decisions under the Jurisdiction of Courts and Enforcement of Judgments Act 1998, Council Regulation (EC) No. 1346/2000, Council Regulation (EC) No. 2201/2003,
Order 42B European Enforcement Orders
Order 42C European Orders for Payment
Order 43 Orders of Fieri Facias and Sequestration
Order 44 Attachment and Committal
Order 45 Attachment of Debts
Order 46 Charging Orders and Stop Orders
Order 47 Order of Possession
Order 48 Order of Delivery
Order 49 Hearing, Transfer and Consolidation
Order 50 Interlocutory Orders
Order 51 Sales by the Court
Order 52 Motions and Other Applications
Order 53 Solicitors and Registered Foreign Lawyers
Order 54 Administration, Trusts and Mortgages
Order 55 The Examiner
Order 56 Arbitration
Order 58 Proceedings in the Supreme Court
Order 1 Commencement of Proceedings
Order 1A Procedure by Personal Injuries Summons
Order 1B Defamation Act 2009 : S.I. No. 511 of 2009
Order 2 Procedure by Summary Summons
Order 3 Procedure By Special Summons
Order 4 Indorsement of Claim
Order 5 Issue Of Summonses And Petitions
Order 6 Concurrent Summonses
Order 7 Solicitors
Order 8 Renewal of Summons
Order 9 Service of summons
Order 10 Substituted Service
Order 11 Service Out of the Jurisdiction
Order 11A Service out of the Jurisdiction under Regulation (EC) No. 1215/2012 or the Lugano Convention (Civil and Commercial Matters)
Order 11B Service out of the Jurisdiction under the Jurisdiction of Courts and Enforcement of Judgments Act 1998 (1968 Convention)
Order 11C Service out of the Jurisdiction under Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 (Matrimonial Matters and Matters of Parental Responsibility) [and] Council Regulation (EC) No 4/2009 (Maintenance Obligations)
Order 11D Service of Documents Outside of the Jurisdiction but within the EU (Regulation No 1393/2007)
Order 11E Service of Documents Outside of the Jurisdiction (Hague Convention)
Order 12 Appearance
Order 13 Default of Appearance
Order 13A Default of Appearance under Regulation No. 1215/2012, Regulation No. 2201/2003, the Lugano Convention and the Jurisdiction of Courts and Enforcement of Judgments Act 1998
Order 14 Actions By and Against Firms and Persons Carrying on Business in Names Other than their Own
Order 15 Parties
Order 16 Third-Party Procedure
Order 17 Change of Parties by Death, etc.
Order 18 Joinder of Causes of Action
Order 19 Pleading Generally
Order 20 Statement of Claim
Order 21 Defence and Counterclaim
Order 22 Payment Into and Out of Court and Tender
Order 23 Reply and Subsequent Pleadings
Order 24 Matters Arising Pending the Action
Order 25 Trial of Point of Law
Order 26 Discontinuance
Order 27 Default of Pleading
Order 28 Amendment
Order 29 Security for Costs
Order 30 Side-Bar Orders
Order 31 Interrogatories, Discovery and Inspection
Order 32 Admissions
Order 33 Issues, Accounts and Inquiries
Order 42D Enforcement of Judgments and Judicial Settlements under the Choice of Court (Hague Convention) Act 2015
Order 42E European Account Preservation Order
Order 56A Mediation and other alternative dispute resolution processes
Order 56B Adjudication
Order 57 Interpleader
Order 59 Cases Stated for the Supreme Court
Order 60 Right of Attorney General to Notice of Constitutional Issues
Order 60A Right of Attorney General and Human Rights Commission to Notice of Proceedings involving Declaration of Incompatibility Issue
Order 61 Appeals from the Circuit Court
Order 61A Proceedings transferred or sent forward from the Circuit Court
Order 62 Cases Stated for the High Court
Order 63 The Master of the High Court
Order 63A Commercial Proceedings
Order 63B Competition Proceedings
Order 63C Chancery and non-jury actions and other designated proceedings: pre-trial procedures
Order 64 Admiralty
Order 65 Minors
Order 65A Special Care of Children
Order 66 Infants
Order 67 Wards of Court (Other than Minors)
Order 67A Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015
Order 68 Revenue
Order 69 Arrest of Defendant under the Debtors Act (Ireland) 1872
Order 70 Matrimonial Causes and Matters
Order 70A Family Law : S.I. No. 343 Of 1997
Order 70B Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010
Order 71 The Legitimacy Declaration Act (Ireland) 1868
Order 72 The Settled Lands Acts 1882 to 1890
Order 72A Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Act 2009
Order 73 Payment into Court under the Trustee Act 1893, and the Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland) Act 1877
Order 74 Winding-up of Companies
Order 74A Proceedings under Part 10 of the Companies Act 2014 (Examinership)
Order 74B Proceedings under Part 13 of the Companies Act 2014 (Investigations)
Order 75 Proceedings under Companies Legislation (Various) not relating to Winding-Up
Order 75A Proceedings under the Companies (Amendment) Act 1990 (No 27 of 1990)
Order 75B Proceedings under the Companies Act 1990 (No 33 of 1990)
Order 75C Investor Compensation Act
Order 76 Bankruptcy
Order 76A Personal Insolvency Act 2012
Order 77 Funds in Court
Order 78 Deposit of Powers of Attorney
Order 79 The Probate Office
Order 80 The District Probate Registries
Order 81 The Bills of Sale (Ireland) Acts 1879 and 1883
Order 81A International Interests in Mobile Equipment (Cape Town Convention) Act 2005
Order 82 Deeds of Arrangement
Order 83 Construction of Written Instruments
Order 84 Judicial Review and Orders Affecting Personal Liberty
Order 84A Review of the Award of Public Contracts
Order 84B Procedure in Statutory Applications
Order 84C Procedure in Statutory Appeals
Order 85 Central Criminal Court
Order 86 Court of Appeal: General
Order 86A Appeals to the Court of Appeal in Civil Proceedings
Order 86B Cases Stated to the Court of Appeal
Order 86C Appeals and other Applications to the Court of Appeal in Criminal Proceedings
Order 86D Appeals and other Applications to the Court of Appeal in Military Proceedings
Order 87 Supplemental Provisions Concerning Appeals in Criminal Proceedings
Order 88 Insurance Deposits
Order 89 The Auctioneers and House Agents Acts 1947 - 1973
Order 90 The Social Welfare (Consolidation) Act 1981
Order 91 The Road Traffic Acts 1961 to 1978
Order 91A Taxi Regulation Act 2003
Order 92 The Housing Act 1966
Order 93 The Fisheries (Consolidation) Act 1959
Order 94 Patents, Designs, Trade Marks and Copyright
Order 95 Professional Disciplinary Regimes
Order 96 The Registration of Title Act 1964
Order 97 Election Petitions
Order 98 European Arrest Warrant Act 2003 Extradition Acts 1965 to 2001 International Criminal Court Act 2006, Part 3
Order 99 Costs
Order 100 Registration of Business Names Act 1963
Order 101 Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1979
Order 102 Transport (Tour Operators and Travel Agents) Act 1982
Order 102A Aviation Regulation Act 2001
Order 103 Local Government (Planning and Development) Act 1976
Order 103A Air Pollution Act 1987
Order 104 Consumer Information Act 1978
Order 105 Appeals and references from the Labour Court
Order 105A Appeals from the Hepatitis C Compensation Tribunal
Order 105B Health (Repayment Scheme) Act 2006
Order 105C Cervical Check Tribunal
Order 106 Proceedings under the Employment Equality Acts 1998 and 2004 and the Workplace Relations Act 2015
Order 107 The Trade Union Act 1971
Order 108 Local Government (Water Pollution) Act 1977
Order 110 Malicious Injuries Act 1981
Order 111 Air Navigation (Eurocontrol) Acts 1963 to 1983
Order 112 Appeals under the Housing (Private Rented Dwellings) (Amendment) Act 1983
Order 113 The Life Assurance Companies (Payment into Court) Act 1896
Order 113A Appeals under the European Communities (General System for Recognition of Higher Education Diplomas) Regulations 1991 and under the European Communities (Second General System for the Recognition of Professional Education and Training) Regulations 1996
Order 114 Officers
Order 115 Orders of the Superior Courts
Order 116 Seals
Order 117 Paper, Printing and Copies of Documents
Order 117A Lodgment of Documents
Order 118 Sittings and Vacations
Order 119 Mode of Address of Judges; Robes of Bench
Order 120 Interpreters and Translations
Order 121 Service of Documents
Order 121A Service of Foreign Process (EU save the Kingdom of Denmark - Regulation No 1393/2007)
Order 121B Service of Foreign Process (Denmark and outside the EU)
Order 122 Time
Order 123 Recording of Proceedings
Order 124 Effect of Non-Compliance
Order 125 Interpretation and Forms
Order 126 General
Order 127 Notaries
Order 128 Transfer of Sentenced Persons Act 1995 Transfer of Execution of Sentences Act 2005
Order 129 Powers of Attorney Act 1996
Order 135 Commissions of Investigation Act 2004
Order 136 Proceeds of Crime - Financing of Terrorism - Criminal Justice (Mutual Assistance)
Order 137 Mental Health Act 2001
Order 138 Applications under the Criminal Justice Act 2006