The courthouse, a two storey structure, dates from the 1830’s.

The courthouse was officially opened by the Minister for Justice, Equality & Law Reform Mr. John O’Donoghue T.D., on 25th March 2002.
The courthouse was officially opened by the Minister for Justice, Equality & Law Reform Mr. John O’Donoghue T.D., on 25th March 2002.

According to records, the foyer space was modified in the 1880s when a hardwood stepped gallery with fixed benches was added to provide a public gallery. This was accessed from the existing foyer meeting space.

The renovation and refurbishment of the courthouse commenced in September 2001. Accommodation added included consultation rooms, a legal practitioner’s room and the existing jury room was refurbished.  The main façade to Moore Street was fully restored. The entire structure was modernised with the introduction of new mechanical and electrical services. A complete renovation, refurbishment and refit was carried out in all rooms using high quality fittings and finishes.

Kilrush Courthouse is supported by Ennis Courthouse.