Jury service may mean being absent from work - what will this mean for me?

Self-employed worker

If you are a self-employed person and jury service would cause you to lose income, you can apply to the County Registrar to be excused at their discretion.


If you are an employee, work commitments are not considered a sufficient reason to be excused from jury service. However, you can apply to be excused if your employer believes you are essential to the running of their business. You will need to provide supporting documents from your employer that you are essential to the running of their business. However, your employer may not apply on your behalf for you to be excused.

Find out more information about exemption.

What do I tell my employer if I’m called for jury service?

When you receive a Jury Summons, you should tell your employer immediately that you have been called for jury service. At this point, you will not be able to tell them how long you might be absent for. The length of your service will vary depending on whether or not you are put on a jury panel for a specific trial. The trial length will depend on the case in question, and the judge will usually let you know what to expect.

Find out more on the length of jury service.

Will the terms and conditions of my job be affected because of my jury service?

No. The law protects people who attend for jury service. Your employer cannot dismiss you or disadvantage you in any way because of attending for jury service. By law, employers must pay employees who are undertaking jury service. During any time that you are absent from your job to comply with a summons, you are considered employed or apprenticed.

Does my employer pay me while attending for jury service?

Yes. By law, employers must pay employees who are undertaking jury service. You are considered to be employed or apprenticed during any time when you are absent from your job in order to comply with a Jury Summons. You should also take note of the following:

  • Your employer is obliged to pay you for attending for jury service.
  • Your employer is entitled to a certificate of attendance showing details of your attendance. You can apply for this certificate at the end of your jury service. If you responded to your Jury Summons online, your certificate is available online for up to six weeks. You can also contact your local court office to request the certificate.