Your Jury Summons requires you to attend for jury service. It will tell you the date, time and court building you have to attend.

You must reply to the summons. If your summons invites you to reply online, you can do this by scanning the QR code on your reply form, or by visiting 

You can also reply via post using your reply to Jury Summons.

Watch a short video on how you can reply. 

If you have a query about a Jury Summons, please contact the office listed on your summons document. 


Can I choose to just ignore the Jury Summons?

No. You must reply to the summons – it is compulsory. If you don’t respond to it, there are penalties for non-attendance at court. These are set out on the back page of the summons. 

Your attendance is mandatory, unless you are ineligible, disqualified or excused. Your participation in jury service is necessary, as jurors like you are an essential part of the legal process. You must either accept the Jury Summons by confirming your attendance at court or request an exemption.

Please contact the office listed on your summons document if you have difficulties with it.


How should I reply to the Jury Summons?

You can reply in a number of ways:

  • Scan the QR code on your reply form with your phone or tablet to reply online
  • Visit to reply online
  • Use the Reply to Jury Summons form and reply by post


Replying online by using the QR code on your summons or by visiting

1. Read the summons document carefully.

2. Scan the QR code using a smart device, such as a smart phone or tablet. Alternatively, visit

3. Log on using the Juror Number quoted in the top right corner of the Jury Summons and the PIN (Personal Identification Number) located directly under the juror number

4. Fill in your personal details and follow the prompts on screen

5. You can either accept the summons or choose your reason for seeking an exemption from jury service 

6. You can also upload documents when prompted, if required

7. You should keep the Jury Summons and bring it to court with you if you are attending for jury service


Replying by post:

1. Read the summons carefully. If you are satisfied that you are eligible for jury service answer ‘Yes’ in Part 1 – ‘I confirm that I am eligible for jury service’

2.  If you believe that you are not eligible or disqualified for jury service, answer ‘Yes’ in Part 2 – ‘I believe that I am not eligible for jury service for the following reason’. Give the reason why you believe you are not eligible, or why you believe you are disqualified

3. If you wish to be excused from jury service, enter the reason in Part 3 of the Jury Summons and enclose any supporting documents (if you are sending documents via post, please send photocopies of documents rather than originals as we destroy sent documents after we check them). If you are entitled to be excused as of right, state the reason here

4. When you have completed the Reply to Jury Summons form, return it in the pre-paid enveloped enclosed. You should keep the Jury Summons and bring it to court with you if you are attending for jury service


What happens after I return the Reply to Jury Summons form?

The next step will depend on how you responded to the summons:


If you accepted the Jury Summons:

You will not receive any further correspondence about the summons unless the court details change, or a jury is no longer required. If either of these happen, you will get a text message, email, or post telling you about the changes.

If you are eligible for jury service, you should attend on the date and time indicated on the Jury Summons.


If you requested an exemption from jury service:

Typically, you will receive a response to a request to be excused within 14 working days. Any excusal request may not be granted, and you may still be obliged to attend for jury service. If this is the case, the local court office will let you know.

If you requested an exemption via post:

If you replied by post, you can expect a postal reply. The local court office may also contact you directly if they need any more information to support your request.

If you requested an exemption via the website, or by QR code:

If you used the QR code, or the website to request to be excused, you can expect an email reply. The local court office may also contact you directly if they need any more information to support your request.