Provisions Overview

S.I. No. 17 of 2014: District Court (Civil Procedure) Rules 2014 - provisions overview

1. Title and citation

1. (1) These Rules, which may be cited as the District Court (Civil Procedure) Rules 2014, shall come into operation on the 3rd day of February 2014.

(2) These Rules shall be construed together with the District Court Rules 1997 (S.I. No. 93 of 1997) and all other District Court Rules.

(3) The District Court Rules as amended by these Rules may be cited as the District Court Rules 1997 to 2014.


2. Amendments

2. (1) The provisions set out in Schedule 1 shall be substituted for the “Interpretation of Terms” provisions of the District Court Rules 1997.

(2) The following provisions shall be deleted from the District Court Rules 1997, namely Order 8, rule 3; Order 9; Orders 39 to 53C inclusive; Order 62; Order 99 and Order 100.

(3) The provisions set out in Schedule 2 shall be inserted to the District Court Rules 1997 immediately following Order 38.

(4) The Schedule of Costs set out in Schedule 3 shall be substituted for the Schedule of Costs and the Schedule of Counsel’s Fees to the District Court Rules 1997.

(5) Orders 10 and 12 respectively set out in Schedule 4 shall be substituted for Orders 10 and 12 of the District Court Rules 1997.


3. Replacement of forms

3. (1) Forms 7.1 to 7.6 inclusive, Forms 39.1 to 53C.6 inclusive, Forms 62.1 to 62.25 inclusive and Form 99.1 shall be deleted from Schedule C to the District Court Rules 1997.

(2) Forms 100.1 to 100.6 inclusive shall be deleted from Schedule D to the District Court Rules 1997.

(3) The forms set out in Schedule 5 shall be added to Schedule C of the District Court Rules 1997 immediately following Form 12B.1.


4. Application and transitional arrangements

4. (1) The amendments to the District Court Rules 1997 effected by these Rules apply to every civil proceeding commenced in the District Court on or after the date on which these Rules come into effect.

(2) Notwithstanding the amendments to the District Court Rules 1997 effected by these Rules any civil proceeding in being in the District Court before the date on which these Rules come into effect shall be continued and determined as if these Rules had not taken effect.