The 16th of April sitting of Newcastle West District Court has been adjourned to the same location on the 19th November 2020 at 10.30am.
The County Registrar's Civil & Family Law Motions Court scheduled for the 5th May has now been adjourned to the 2nd June 2020 at 11.00 a.m.
Please note CSOL will be unavailable on Thursday 16th April from 8am due to essential maintenance work. We expect this outage to last no longer than 30 minutes.
Clonmel Civil Circuit Court list scheduled for week commencing 28th April 2020 is adjourned to a date to be fixed in the Court Office.
Nenagh County Registrar Motions Court listed on 20th April 2020 is adjourned to a date to be fixed in Clonmel Court Office subject to the following directions of the County Registrar.
With effect from Wednesday 15th April 2020 and until further notice, the criminal court lists scheduled for:
Further to the Notice of the President of the Circuit Court dated 6th April, 2020 (which is accesible here) regarding Dublin Circuit
The following County Registrars Civil and Family courts are cancelled. You will be notified of new court dates in due course
27th April 2020, 11th May 2020, 25th May 2020, 8th June 2020
The Personal Insolvency lists scheduled for the 13th May 2020 and the 27th May 2020 and Castlebar are hereby adjourned to the 25th June 2020 at 11.00 am for mention only.
Circuit Family Law lists scheduled for weeks commencing 21st April 2020 & 28th April 2020 now stand adjourned to County Registrar's Callover on Wednesday 20th May 2020 @ 10.30am.
Carrickmacross District and Circuit Courts will sit at Monaghan Courthouse with effect from Wednesday the 25th of March 2020 until further notice.
During the current restricted period the Probate Office remains open for the lodgement of all applications.
Cavan County Registrars Motion Court, Case Progression and Taxations scheduled for 27/4/2020 has been adjourned to 8/6/2020.
Direction of the President of the High Court as to Arrangements in Personal Insolvency matters during Covid-19 crisis
Due to Covid-19, All sittings of Killaloe District Court will take place at Ennis Courthouse effective from Tuesday 7th April, 2020 until further notice.
The 7th of April sitting of Newcastle West District Court has been adjourned to the same location on the 6th October 2020 at 10.30am. Parties should check this website for information.
Meath County Registrar's Civil Motion Court scheduled for the 20th April 2020 has been adjourned. All parties will be informed of adjourned date in due course.
County Registrar's Motion Court Carrick on Shannon, Co. Leitrim
All cases and matters for 2nd April, 2020 have now been adjourned to 11th June, 2020.
Wicklow Circuit Court - County Registrar’s Civil & Family Law Motion Courts
Civil Motion Court 11th of May 2020 is now to be heard on the 13th of July 2020
Bray Court Office – Important Notice – transfer of all sittings of Arklow District Court to Bray Courthouse effective from the 26/03/2020, until further no
The Chief Justice and the Presidents of the Court Jurisdictions
PUBLIC STATEMENT 31st March 2020
Notice from the President of the District Court regarding the criminal lists of Tallaght District Court, Blanchardstown District Court (Courts 1 & 2), Swords District Court, Balbriggan
With effect from 30th March 2020.
A new District Court Practice Direction has issued.
Statement from His Honour Judge Colin Daly, President of the District Court
District Court Private Family Law Matters.
Court Information and Supports Available
Circuit Court – Personal Insolvency
Statement from His Honour Judge Colin Daly, President of the District Court
Family Law Matters
A new District Court Practice Direction has issued.
Courts Service public offices remain open and are operational. However, practitioners and members of the public are reminded that attendance at public counters is for urgent business only and must
Meath Circuit and Family Court Sittings:
The Civil and Family Callover list, sitting in Bray, listed for the 30th day of March 2020 stands cancelled.
Carrickmacross District and Circuit Courts will sit at Monaghan Courthouse with effect from Wednesday the 25th of March 2020 until further notice.
Due to Covid-19 All sittings of Thurles District Court and Tipperary District Court will take place at Nenagh Courthouse effective from Wednesday 25th March 2020 until further notice.
Personal Insolvency Court sitting in Castlebar on 8th April is cancelled.
Notice regarding the List to Fix Dates on Monday the 30th March, 2020 in Court 6 CCJ.
- All motion courts are adjourned until 20 April 2020. April and May courts to be reviewed in the coming weeks.
Due to Covid-19, Navan District Court will sit at Trim Courthouse with effect from Monday 23rd March 2020 until further notice.
Please note CSOL will be unavailable on Thursday 26th March from 5pm due to essential maintenance work. We expect this work to be complete by 7pm.
The Chief Justice and Presidents of each court jurisdiction have agreed that in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to minimise the exposure of persons using the courts to unnecessary risk,
The sitting of the County Registrar's Motions Court, Family Law and Possessions Court scheduled at Sligo Courthouse on the 8th April 2020 is hereby adjourned to the 13th May 2020 at 11.00am.