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SPV Osus Limited -v- HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Ireland) Limited & ors
Judgment ByClarke C.J.
CourtSupreme Court
Date Delivered31 July 2018
Neutral Citation[2018] IESC 44
Record Number62/17
Date Uploaded02 August 2019
ResultAppeal dismissed
Court of Appeal Record Number2015 575
High Court Record NumberN/A
Supreme Court Record Number62/17
Overall ResultAppeal dismissed
Composition of the CourtClarke C.J.;O'Donnell Donal J.;McKechnie J.;Dunne J.;Finlay Geoghegan J.
DetailsJudgment also by McKechnie J.
Judgments By Concurring Dissenting
Clarke C.J.
O'Donnell Donal J. Clarke C.J.;McKechnie J.;Dunne J.;Finlay Geoghegan J.
McKechnie J.

Judgment documents

Below includes the list of documents relevant to the matter above
