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Gorry & anor -v- Minister for Justice and Equality, A.B.M. & anor -v- Minister for Justice and Equality
Judgment ByO'Donnell C.J.
CourtSupreme Court
Date Delivered23 September 2020
Neutral Citation[2020] IESC 55
Record Number09/18, 11/18
Date Uploaded15 February 2023
ResultDismiss Appeal
High Court Record Number2012 859 JR, 2015 449 JR
Overall ResultDismiss appeal - Mr Justice MacMenamin, Ms Justice Dunne and Mr Justice Charleton concurr with Mr Justice O'Donnell's reasoning.
Composition of the CourtO'Donnell J.;McKechnie J.;MacMenamin J.;Dunne J.;Charleton J.
Judgments By Concurring Dissenting
O'Donnell J. MacMenamin J.;Dunne J.;Charleton J.
McKechnie J.

Associated documents

Below includes the list of documents relevant to the matter above

2020_IESC_55_McKechnie J.docx
2020_IESC_55_McKechnie J (Original).pdf
2020_IESC_55_ODonnell J.docx

Judgment documents

Below includes the list of documents relevant to the matter above

2020_IESC_55_McKechnie J.pdf