Meet the DTC coordinator.



You can contact me for information about the Drug Court.  You can telephone me or email me and I will answer your questions, explain how the programme works and send you information leaflets.

As the DTC coordinator I work with the Judge and the team and we meet before court each week to discuss your progress. I help prepare your files for court, I deal with telephone and email enquiries from solicitors, from participants, from other agencies and from the general public.

I organise and attend team meetings and I keep the minutes of these meetings on record.  I organise information meetings for new participants. It is important for you to attend one of these meetings as the team will all be there to explain how the Drug Court programme works and we can answer any questions that you may have.

I also organise and attend participants' meetings where the team listen to your views and your suggestions on any improvements that we can make to the programme. 

I organise and attend all the graduations from the Drug Court.  These are very special occasions for the participant and their families and friends.