Office of the Examiner of the High Court
Hours of business:
Christmas Eve: 10.00 - 13.00
Closed: 'Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Day and the 7 next following days, St. Patrick's Day, Good Friday and Monday and Tuesday of Easter Week and the days duly appointed to be observed as public holidays in public offices.' Order 118 Rules of the Superior Courts
Additional contact details:
Office Manager: Ronan Power - Phone: +353 1 888 6158
Filing in the Examiner's Office (S.I. No. 2 of 2011)
On the 12th January 2011 the Minister for Justice Equality and Law Reform signed Statutory Instrument No. 2 of 2011. The statutory instrument amended the Rules of the Superior Courts by removing the requirement to file Examiner's Office documentation in the Central Office of the High Court in addition to the Examiner's Office itself.
From the 1st February 2011 all affidavits, notices of motion, notices to proceed, Examiner’s certificates and Examiner's orders should be filed in the Examiner’s Office only. There is no requirement to file these documents or copies of these documents in the Central Office of the High Court.
The introduction of these new Rules has eliminated the need to attend in the Central Office of the High Court in respect of matters which lie within the remit of the Examiner’s Office. Such matters include court liquidations, mortgage suits (well charging proceedings), administration suits and any other matter remitted to the Examiner’s Office by the court.
Find out more about the procedures of this office.
Related Links:
High Court - Terms and Sittings
Superior Courts Rules
Appendix O - Superior Court Forms
Order 40 of the Rules of the Superior Courts
Superior Court Fees
High Court Forms
Payment of Court Fees and Excise Duty
Insolvency Service Of Ireland