Dublin Circuit Family Law Office

Phoenix House, 15/24 Phoenix Street North, Smithfield, Dublin 7. D07 X028
+353 1 888 6315 / 6843 / 6465
Opening Hours: 
Monday to Friday: 9.30 - 15.30
Book Appointment
Opening Hours: 
Monday to Friday: 9.30 - 15.30
Head of Office: 
Ms. Orla Emmett
Other Information: 

Customers attending Court in Phoenix House are reminded to bring Photo Identification with them.

Queries about Marriage Exemptions: dubmarriageexemption@courts.ie

Additional phone numbers : +353 1 888 6378 / 6808

Got an urgent query? email: dublincircuitfamilylaw@courts.ie


Please Note: 

A drop box for lodging documents will be located in the main lobby of Phoenix House.

You can also lodge documents by post to this office; the address is 

Circuit Court Family Law Office,
Phoenix House,
15-24 Phoenix Street North,
Dublin 7, D07X028.