Publication Scheme

Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 2014 requires FOI bodies to prepare and publish on a routine basis as much information as possible.

This allows for the publication of information outside of FOI provided that such provision is not prohibited by law.

The Freedom of Information Publication Scheme for the Courts Service is set out below.

Disclosure Log

Disclosure Log

Click for more info

Freedom of Information Disclosure Log



Click here for Publications.

Financial Information

Financial Information

Click for more info

Financial Information



Click for more info

Freedom of Information - Procurement information

Who are we and what do we do

Who are we and what do we do

Click for more info

Who we are and what we do

Services we provide

Services we provide

Click for more info

Decision Making Process

Decision Making Process

Click for more info

Courts Service Decision Making Process

Access to Court Records

Access to Court Records

How to get documents relating to court proceedings

Link to access court records

Contact Us

Contact Us

Contact details for the FOI Unit of the Courts Service

Link to contact us