The Freedom of Information Act 2014 (FOI Act) is a statutory right conferred on all members of the public to access records held by public bodies while balancing the public interest and the right to privacy of individuals.

Please be advised that the Courts Service does have a publishing scheme which routinely makes information available to the public as part of its normal business activities. Before making an FOI request please check the publication scheme section to ensure that the information you are seeking is not already available.

To make an FOI request, you must apply in writing and indicate that you are seeking the information under the Freedom of Information Act.

In your correspondence, you should give as much information as possible about the records you are seeking and specify how you would prefer to receive the records, for example by way of photocopy, e-mail, etc. You should also provide a e telephone number so that we can contact you if necessary.

You may make your application by post or by e-mail using the contact details listed below.

We will respond to all requests within 20 working days from the date the request has been received.

You have the right to:

  • access to records held by the Courts Service, subject to the provisions of the Act in relation to exempt records;
  • have personal information about yourself which is held by the Courts Service corrected where it is incorrect, not complete or is misleading;
  • access to the reasons for decisions made by the Courts Service which directly affect you.

The following are the records which come within the range of the Act:

  • all records held by the Courts Service which have personal information about you;
  • all other records created by the Courts Service since the commencement date of the Act, that is 21 April 1998, (subject to the limitations of the Act);
  • any other record which is necessary to help understand a current record

Courts Service Freedom of Information Officer:

Any application for access to records held by the Courts Service  under the Freedom of Information Act must be addressed to:

Ms. Annika Stephan
Freedom of Information Officer,
FOI Unit,
The Courts Service,
15/24 Phoenix Street North,
Dublin 7.
Phone + 353 1 888 6130