Governing structure of the Courts Service

The Courts Service Board

The Courts Service Board considers and determines major policy in relation to the Service.

In developing Court Service policies the Board have to have regard to Government policy and the Programme for Government.

Board committees

Committees of the Board are established to advise and consider issues relating to the Courts Service. The committees may bring proposals to the Board in relation to those issues.

Building Committee

Major decisions on capital expenditure are recommended to the Board by the Building Committee.

More routine decisions are made at Building Committee level. From time to time, the Building Committee also makes recommendations as to which venues should be prioritised for future capital expenditure.

Further details on the committees of the Board are at Appendix 6 of the Courts Service Corporate Governance Framework Document.

The Chief Executive Officer

The functions of the Chief Executive Officer of the Courts Service include the implementation of policies decided by the Courts Service Board.

The Chief Executive Officer also initiates and develops policies to achieve the Courts Service strategic and operational aims, for consideration by the Board.

The Senior Management Team

The Senior Management Team supports the Chief Executive Officer in the initiation of polices for consideration by the Board.

The Senior Management Team also assists with the implementation of Board policies.

The Courts Service management also participates in the development of wider Government initiatives and policies particularly where they have implications for court administration.

Views and suggestions in respect of proposals from Government in relation to legislative change and other major policy issues being considered, are submitted either to the Department of Justice and Equality or, directly to other Government Departments.

Consultation process

» Closure of court venues 

Engagement process with stakeholders

» Courts Service Corporate Governance Framework Document 

Reports on the operation of public services

» Annual reports