Subject Access Request in relation to the court proceedings and court records

This page concerns making a Subject Access Request in relation to the courts and court records - if you are making a Subject Access Request in relation to the Courts Service you should visit this page.

Under Data Protection and the GDPR, every person has a right to request a copy of any or all personal data held in relation to them. Such requests must be made in writing by email or post. The Courts Service is obliged to reply within a specified period of time (1 calendar month) to all requests received.

Court records are under the control of the judiciary.  Access to certain court records may be given to the parties concerned or their legal representatives.

Persons seeking access to court records should contact the court office where the case was heard. The court office staff will explain the procedures which apply.  More information available here.

Here is a list of contact details for all court offices


Special procedures are in place for any party who wishes to apply for access to a recording of court proceedings (also know as the “DAR” recording) The rules of court governing the procedure to be followed when seeking access to any recording of court proceedings and the terms on which access may be allowed are prescribed in the following Statutory Instruments:

◦ S.I. No. 99 of 2013 - District Court Rules (Recording of Proceedings) 2013
◦ S.I. No. 100 of 2013 - Circuit Court Rules (Recording of Proceedings) 2013
◦ S.I. No. 101 of 2013 - Superior Court Rules (Recording of Proceedings) 2013 

Any request for access to the record of court proceedings must be made by formal application to the trial judge in the proceedings, and on notice to the other party or parties to the proceedings.

It is a matter for the judge to decide whether, and in what format, access to a recording of court proceedings is provided.

If an application for court recordings has been granted by the judge, the applicant must pay the cost of the recording. The cost of producing a transcript of a recording is approximately €200 per hour of audio recording.

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Please see the Contact Us page for further contact details if you have any queries in relation to the above.