Circuit Court Rules Committee

Circuit Court Rules Committee

Freedom of Information Act 2014 Publication Scheme

Establishment of Committee

The Circuit Court Rules Committee was established under section 69 of theCourts of Justice Act, 1936.

Functions of the Committee

The Circuit Court Rules Committee under section 70 of that Act was assigned the power (previously exercised by the Minister for Justice under section 65 of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924) exercisable with the concurrence of the Minister for Justice and Equality, to make rules, in particular for regulating the sessions, vacations and circuits of the Circuit Judges and the practice, pleading and procedure generally (including liability of parties as to costs and also the entering-up of judgment and granting of summary judgment in appropriate cases) of the Circuit Court and the use of the national language therein, the fixing and collection of fees and the adaptation or modification of any statute that may be necessary for any of the purposes aforesaid and all subsidiary matters¹.  This remit was extended in 1995²  to include regulation of the disclosure by any party to a personal injuries action of certain information and documentation, and for the admission of same as evidence in personal injuries actions, notwithstanding the rules as to privilege and against hearsay.

Membership of the Committee at 1st August 2017

  • The Hon. Mr. Justice Raymond Groarke President of the Circuit Court (Chairman)
  • Her Honour Judge Jacqueline Linnane, Judge of the Circuit Court
  • Her Honour Judge Sarah Berkeley, Judge of the Circuit Court 
  • Ms. Roisin Lacey S.C., nominated by the Council of the Bar of Ireland
  • vacancy
  • Ms Fiona Duffy, Solicitor, nominated by the Law Society of Ireland
  • Mr. Keith Walsh, Solicitor, nominated by the Law Society of Ireland
  • Mr Ronan Boylan, Office of the Chief State Solicitor - appointed to act in place of the Attorney General under Section 36(4) of the Courts and Court Officers Act 20023
  • Mr Noel Rubotham, Director of Reform and Development, Courts Service,  to whom membership has been delegated by the Chief Executive Officer of the Courts Service under Section 30(2) of the Courts Service Act 1998 4
  • Ms. Rita Considine, CountyRegistrar, Dublin
  • Ms Mairead Ahern, CountyRegistrar, Louth, nominated by the Chief Executive Officer of the Courts Service under Section 69(4)(d) of the Courts of Justice Act 1936 as amended.

Administrative and other support

The Secretary to the Committee is Ms Liz Hughes. Drafting Services are provided by Mr Sean Barton of McCann Fitzgerald Solicitors.

Classes of records

» Correspondence
» Minutes
» Materials concerning proposals for amendments to rules of court.

Annual report

The Annual Report of the Committee is contained in the Annual Report of the Courts Service.

Organisation and pay and grading structures

The Committee does not employ any staff, administrative support is provided by the Rules Committee Support Unit, within the Directorate of Reform and Development of the Courts Service.

Location and contact details

Liz Hughes
Circuit Court Rules Committee,
Rules Committee Support Unit,
Directorate of Reform and Development,
Courts Service,
Green Street Courthouse,
Halston Street,
Dublin 7.
Ph: 01 888 6762


 ¹ under section 66 , Courts of Justice Act 1924.
 ² by section 45, Courts and Court Officers Act 1995
 ³ This provision has since been repealed and replaced by section 69(9)(c), Courts of Justice Act 1936 (inserted by section 21, Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008).
 4 This provision has since been repealed and replaced by section 69(9)(b), Courts of Justice Act 1936 (inserted by section 21, Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008).


Updated: 16 August 2017