
European Arrest Warrants Act 2003 as amended by the Criminal Justice (Terrorist Offences) Act 2005

As from 2nd May 2006, in all cases in which a notice of appeal is lodged from a judgment of the High Court in proceedings under the above Act, the case will be listed for mention on the following Thursday. The practitioners engaged in the appeal must be in a position to indicate to the court, when the case is called on that day, what steps have been taken in order to ensure the expeditious hearing of the appeal. Directions will be given at that time as to the filing of written submissions with a view to the earliest date possible being fixed for the hearing of the appeal.

This practice direction is being issued in order to ensure that the State complies with those provisions of the European Arrest Warrant Act 2003 as amended providing for expedition in the disposal of such proceedings.

In the event of the notice of appeal being lodged during the vacation, the appeal will be listed for mention on the first Thursday of the following term.

John L. Murray
Chief Justice
27th April 2006

Supreme Court