
Applications by notice of motion

With effect from the commencement of the Michaelmas Term 2005 the following shall apply to applications to the Supreme Court by notice of motion:-

1. The notice of motion shall be presented in the Supreme Court office for filing prior to service of same. Accordingly production in the office of a copy of the motion indorsed with particulars of service shall no longer be required.

2. At the time of filing of the motion three motion booklets shall be lodged containing copies of all documents required for the hearing of the motion with a complete index.

3. It remains the responsibility of the moving party to produce evidence of service to the Court at the hearing of the motion if necessary.

John L. Murray
Chief Justice
27th September 2005

The purpose of this change is to reduce the number of motion booklets to be lodged from five to three and to bring into conformity the practice of the Supreme Court and the High Court offices regarding the filing of notices of motion and the proof of service.

Supreme Court