
Covid 19 - Track & Trace

Practice Direction
Covid-19 “Track and Trace”


In the interests of public health and the health of all those engaged with the administration of justice, with effect from the 31st August 2020 and until further notice, the solicitor on record for any party to an application or proceeding the subject matter of a corporeal hearing in the Circuit Court shall:

  1. obtain from ALL persons attending Court on behalf of the party whom they represent their contact details; 
  2. seek their consent to the retention and the delivery up to the HSE of that information if so requested; and
  3.  upon obtaining such consent for the retention of such information, the solicitor shall keep the said information safe and available for a period of 4 weeks following the said application or proceeding and thereafter ensure safe disposal of same in accordance with Data Protection Regulations.



Patricia Ryan
President of the Circuit Court.
Dated 28th August 2020.


Circuit Court