The Central Office of the High Court maintains a register of money judgments obtained in the High Court, Circuit Court and District Court.

The Central Office of the High Court maintains a register of money judgments obtained in the High Court, Circuit Court and District Court.   The register can be searched on payment of court stamp duty. 

Judgments are not automatically entered onto the register.  You must apply to the Central Office to register a judgment.

Registering a High Court judgment

  • You must lodge the following documents:
  • Memorandum of the Registry of a Judgment stamped with court duty – currently €25.00
  • Certificate of the Registry of a Judgment.

Registering a Circuit Court or District Court judgment

  • You must lodge the following documents:
  • Memorandum of the Registry of a Judgment stamped with court stamp duty and signed by the relevant county registrar/court clerk
  • Certificate of the Registry of a Judgment.


Registering an award of the Personal Injuries Assessment Board

  • You must lodge the following documents:
  • Award of the Personal Injuries Assessment Board
  • Memorandum of the Registry of a Judgment stamped with court duty – currently €25.00
  • Certificate of the Registry of a Judgment.