Circuit Court Licensing

Circuit Court Licensing

Circuit Court Licensing

Proceedings under the Licensing Acts 1833 - 2003 and the Registration of Clubs Acts

Licensing applications

Type of application

  1. Declaration (as to suitability of premises)
  2. Certificate (consequent on declaration)
  3. Every other certificate (not consequent on a declaration)
  4. registration of club declaration
  5. registration of club certificate

The stamp duty payable on these applications is set down in Schedule Part 3 of the Circuit Court Fees Order. See also District Court licensing

Notice of application

  1. The Notice of application should be signed by applicant personally.
  2. Where the application is a corporation the corporate seal must be affixed to the Notice over the signature of the director and secretary.
  3. Notice must specify the applicant's place of residence and in the case of a corporation the registered office address.
  4. The address of the premises must be included in the notice stating:-
    (a) street and number  (town premises)   (b) road or highway adjacent to which the premises lies  (c) townland, parish (civil), barony (country premises) (d) county.
  5. Notice must specify the sitting of the court and the date of commencement of the sessions.
  6. Notice shall be served on the County Registrar, Circuit Court Office at least  21 days before the date on which the Application is intended to be made.

Proof of service on notice parties required

  1. Superintendent, Garda Síochána for the area within which the applicant resides at least  21 days before the date on which the application is intended to be made.
  2. Fire authority for the area within which the premises are situate at least 28 days notice in writing.
  3. (a) Officer in Charge, Garda Síochána of the District in which the premises are situate (b) Judge of the District Court within whose District the premises are situate.
    At least 21 days before the sitting of the court.


  1. Notice of application must be advertised in a newspaper circulating in the place in which the premises are situate at least 21 days before the application will be heard.

Plans - requirements

  1. Location map (taken from ordnance survey of the area)
  2. Site plan.
  3. Plans of various floors.
  4. Elevation drawings.
  5. Colouring of various parts where needed to show old from new, and changes.
  6. Legend explaining colouring. The area proposed to be licensed should be delineated with a red verge line.
  7. All the above should be contained on one sheet or in booklet form.

Paperwork to be lodged in the Circuit Court Office

  1. Original notice of application with relevant stamp duty - lodge at least 21 days before court date
  2. Affidavit(s) of service (each to be stamped with the relevant fee)
  3. Full newspaper - showing advertisement (enclosed in red border)
  4. Copy of plans with the area to be licensed outlined in red.
    (For administration purposes No. 2 - 4 (incl.) above to be lodged at least 2 days before court date)
  5. Registration of Clubs Certificate.
    Application is set down forfixed circuit court dates BUT all papersare lodged with the Registrar of Clubs, Licensing Section, District Court Office.

The District Court then forward the file to the Circuit Court office.

For a list of court dates for licensing applications contact the Relevant Circuit Court Office. See also the Terms & Sittings section of this site.