District Court Licensing

Brief summary of licensing business

Brief summary of licensing business

  • licensing matters as they relate to intoxicating liquor licences (objections to and transfer of);
  • restaurant certificates;
  • club registrations;
  • public dance licences;
  • public music and singing licences;
  • exemption orders and such like.

Each year in September the annual licensing court takes place.
Some of the matters dealt with are:

  • renewal of restaurant certificates
  • renewal of club registrations
  • renewal of annual public dance licences
  • renewal of public music and singing licences
  • objections to the renewal of liquor licences
  • transfers of liquor licences


A fee is payable on the great majority of licensing applications. Details of these fees are available in the District Court Fees Order.


Precedents for the several applications which can be made to the court are available in the District Court Rules.

Register of licenses

A register of licenses is kept in the office containing 'particulars of all licences for the sale of intoxicating liquors existing in respect of premises within the court area and of all renewals, transfers and other proceedings affecting the said licences'. The register also contains details of convictions and other matters relating to the licences. In addition to this, the register contains particulars of off-licences (beer and spirit) and wholesale beer dealers licences.

Any person is permitted to inspect this register on payment of the relevant fee.

Register of clubs

A register of clubs is also kept containing details of the name of the clubs in the in the court area; details of the date of granting of and renewal of the certificate of registration; the address of the club; the names and addresses of the committee and officials of the club.

Any person is permitted to inspect this register and a copy of the club rules on payment of the relevant fee.

Orders which must be submitted to the District Court office (or in Dublin - the District Licensing Office) for signing by the judge are as follows;

  • wine off-licence - certificates
  • spirit, beer and wine off-licence - certificates
  • wholesale beer dealers licence - certificate
  • orders to amend the licensing register
  • certificates of revival - orders made under section 30 Intoxicating Liquor Act 1960
  • lottery / bingo licences

Dublin Metropolitan licensing applications

Dublin Metropolitan licensing applications

Dublin Metropolitan Licensing Court

All licensing applications in the Dublin Metropolitan District must be made in Court No. 23, Áras Uí Dhálaigh.

Save during the District Court Vacations periods during which periods the Applications will be directied to the appropriate District Court by the Licensing Office in Áras Ui Dhálaigh.

Dated this 12th April, 2017


Rosemary Horgan,
President of the District Court.

Practice & Procedure 2024

Practice & Procedure 2024

Dublin Metropolitan District Court Annual Licensing
Practice and Procedure - 2024


The Dublin District Annual Licensing Court will be held in Court No. 23, Four Courts, Inns Quay, Dublin 7.

Note:  For the efficient running of the Annual Licensing Court, we ask that all applications be lodged as soon as possible, but not later than

Monday 9 September 2024 at 12.30 p.m.


  • Ensure that all documents are lodged together.
  • Applications will not be listed on the Annual Licensing date unless all documents are lodged with the application.
  • Include on the application the name and full address of the solicitor/applicant.
  • Provide a copy of your notice of application for court receipt to retain for your files.
  • State on the application form, the type of intoxicating liquor licence attached to the premises.


Thursday 26 September, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. 
Confirmations and Certificates of Transfer


  1. Notice of Application stamped with €150.00 PER LICENCE
  1. Application to include the description of the type of Intoxicating Liquor Licence attached to the premises.
  2. The name of the previous licensee.
  1. Statutory Declaration of service (for Non CSOL Applications) on all notice parties.
  2. Original newspaper advertisement published at least 21 days before the court date (relevant page only showing date of publication).
  3. Relevant Company documents (if applicable).
  1. Memorandum and Articles of Association showing the objects clause or Company Constitution
  2. Certificate of Incorporation of the Company.
  3. Up to date Company Printout showing the names and addresses of the current directors.
  4. An ordinary resolution under seal authorising director/s to make the application on behalf of the company
  5. Independent Auditor or Accountants Certificate confirming up to date Compliance with all filing and tax requirements pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2014 and or Company Secretary Certificate  (If Tax Filing falls between 1 Sept and 25 November 2024)
  1. Certified copy of stamped deed of title or Lease is required.

For Court:

  • Current Licence

Thursday 26 September 2024 at 11:00 a.m. 

In regard to Liquor Licensing Objections please note that a search may need to be carried out to establish the current licence holder of the premises.

  1. Notice of Application of Objection to the renewal of a Licence stamped with €35.00.
  1. Notice of Application to include the description of the type of Intoxicating Liquor Licence attached to the premises.
  2. A copy of this form must be served on the licensee of the premises at least  21 clear days before the date of the Annual Licensing Court.
  1. Statutory Declaration of service (for Non CSOL Applications) on the notice parties.
  2. The original document should be lodged in the Licensing Office together with declaration of service on the licensee, on or before 9 September, 2024.

Thurs 26 September 2024 at 11:00 a.m.
General Exemptions


  1. Notice of application stamped with €150.00
  1. Notice of Application to include the description of the type of Intoxicating Liquor Licence attached to the premises.
  1. Statutory Declaration of service (for Non CSOL Applications) on all notice parties
  2. Independent Auditors or Accountants Certificate confirming  up to date Compliance with all filing   and tax requirements pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2014 and or Company Secretary Certificate  (If Tax Filing falls between 1 September and 25 November 2024)

Thursday 26 September 2024 at 2.00 pm. 


  1. Notice of application stamped with €655.00
    Notice of Application to include the object of the club (a specific description of  the type activities carried out in/by the club).
  2. Statutory Declaration of service (for Non CSOL Applications) on all notice parties.
  3. Original newspaper advertisement (relevant page only showing date of publication), published at least 21 days before the court date.
  4. Two up to date copies of the Club Rules.
  5. The statutory certificate signed by the owner of Club otherwise the Club Secretary making the application on behalf of the Club and 2 Peace Commissioners.
  6. Up to date list of Club members  (Large membership lists can be supplied on a USB).
  7. Names, Addresses and Titles of Current Committee members.
  8. Relevant Company documents (if Club is a Company) 
  1. Memorandum and Articles of Association showing the objects clause or Company Constitution
  2. Certificate of Incorporation of the Company.
  3. Up to date Company Printout showing the names and addresses of the current directors. 
  4. An ordinary resolution under seal authorising director/s to make the application on behalf of the company.
  5. Independent Auditor or Accountants Certificate confirming up to date Compliance with all filing and tax requirements pursuant to the provisions    of the Companies Act, 2014 and or Company Secretary Certificate 
    (If Tax Filing falls between 1 Sept and 25 November 2024)


Monday 30 September 2024 at 11:00 a.m.


  1. Notice of application stamped with €490.00.
  1. Notice of Application to include the description of the type of Intoxicating Liquor Licence attached to the premises.
  2. Where Special Exemptions are not being applied for, please state in Application.


  1. Statutory Declaration of service (for Non CSOL Applications) on all notice parties.
  2. Original newspaper advertisement (relevant page only showing date of publication).
  3. Public Liability Insurance (certified extract of the relevant pages of the current policy of Public Liability Insurance in relation to the premises)  A BROKERS LETTER IS INSUFFICIENT
  4. Relevant Company documents
  1. Memorandum and Articles of Association showing the objects clause or Company Constitution
  2. Certificate of Incorporation of the Company.
  3. Up to date Company Printout showing the names and addresses of the current directors.
  4. An ordinary resolution under seal authorising director/s to make the application on behalf of the company.
  5. Independent Auditor or Accountants Certificate confirming up to date Compliance with all filing and tax requirements pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2014 and or Company Secretary Certificate
    (If Tax Filing falls between 1 Sept and 25 November 2024)  
  1. An up to date Certificate from a Fire Consultant or Architect that the premises comply with the Building Control Act 1990 in relation to Fire Safety or if the building pre-dates the Building Control Act that the premises complies with the Building Regulations (part B Fire) 1997.  That is that the building is fire safe.

“Fire Consultant” means a chartered engineer with experience in fire safety engineering and fire safety management. 
“Architect” means a person qualified to Certify Compliance with the Building Regulations for conveyance purposes.

  1. Confirmation of CCTV
  1. The Fire Consultant or Architect to confirm that there is CCTV attaching to the premises, that the said CCTV is in working order.
  2. Confirmation from the applicant that the Gardaí will have free access to the said CCTV.
  1. Security
  1. If there is security on the premises, within the meaning of section 2(1) of the Private Security Services Act 2004, an up to date copy of their Security licence shall be produced. 
  2. If there is no security same to be confirmed in writing by the applicant. 
  • Copies of document 6, 7 and 8 to be served on the Gardaí.
  • Any premises which does not produce the relevant documentation at Annual Licensing Court will not be entitled to apply for Special Exemptions thereafter.


Friday 4 October 2024 at 11:00 a.m.
Music and Singing



  1. Notice of application stamped with €150.00
  1. Notice of Application to include the description of the type of Intoxicating Liquor Licence attached to the premises.
  1. Statutory Declaration of service (for Non CSOL Applications) on all notice parties.
  2. Independent Auditors or Accountants Certificate confirming up to date Compliance with all filing and tax requirements pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2014 and or Company Secretary Certificate (If Tax Filing falls between 1 Sept and 25 November 2024) (if applicable)
  3. Up to date Company Printout showing the names and addresses of the current directors.


  1. Relevant Company documents
  1. Memorandum and Articles of Association showing the objects clause or Company Constitution
  2. Certificate of Incorporation of the Company.
  3. An ordinary resolution under seal authorising director/s to make the application on behalf of the company.
  4. Independent Auditor or Accountants Certificate confirming up to date Compliance with all filing and tax requirements pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2014 and or Company Secretary Certificate (If Tax Filing falls between 1 Sept and 25 November 2024)
  5. Up to date Company Printout showing the names and addresses of the current directors.
  1. New applications will be required to submit
  1. set of Plans/Planning permission/Architects Certificate of Compliance


Monday 7 October, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.



  1. Notice of application stamped with €150.00 Notice of Application to include the description of the type of Intoxicating Liquor Licence attached to the premises
  2. Statutory Declaration of service (for Non CSOL Applications) on all notice parties.
  3. Independent Auditors or Accountants Certificate confirming up to date Compliance with all filing and tax requirements pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2014 and or Company Secretary Certificate (If TaxFiling falls between 1 Sept and 25 November 2024) (if applicable)
  4. Up to date Company Printout showing the names and addresses of the current directors.
  5. If a Restaurant Certificate pursuant to Section 12 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act 1927 was granted in the Circuit Court in the last 12 months, please   supply a copy of the Circuit Court Certificate.


  1. Relevant Company documents
  1. Memorandum and Articles of Association showing the objects clause or Company Constitution
  2. Certificate of Incorporation of the Company.
  3. Up to date Company Printout showing the names and addresses of the current directors.
  4. An ordinary resolution under seal authorising director/s to make the application on behalf of the company.
  5. Independent Auditor or Accountants Certificate confirming up to date Compliance with all filing and tax requirements pursuant to the provision of the Companies Act, 2014 and or Company Secretary Certificate (If Tax Filing falls between 1 Sept and 25 November 2024)
  1. New applications will be required to submit
  1. set of Plans/Planning permission/Architects Certificate of Compliance
  2. Disability Access Certificate where applicable.
  3. HSE food hygiene certificate where available.