A list of frequently asked questions for books of appeal/hearings

You should include the submissions in the books of appeal with one hard copy to be filed in the office.  All submissions must include a word count and comply with Practice Direction CA06.  You must also email submissions to the office within three working days in MSWord format.  Email: courtofappealcivilsubs@courts.ie.

You should lodge one complete set of transcripts (as per Practice Direction CA06).  If there are less than four days of transcripts, they must all be included in the books of evidence.  Where there are more than four days then agreed extracts of the transcripts must be included.

If there is no signed judgment available, please lodge the transcript containing the judgment within sufficient time to enable the trial judge to approve it prior to the hearing date.

There is no need to lodge books of authorities unless otherwise directed to do so at the directions hearing.

You should lodge four copies (one for each judge and one for the office).

You should lodge books of appeal no later than four weeks before the hearing date.   You should include a signed, approved copy of the High Court judgment or an approved, signed copy of the transcript.

If the transcript is not approved, you should lodge it in the Court of Appeal Office before you lodge the books of appeal so that it can be approved by the relevant judge of the High Court.

See Practice Direction CA06.