When a High Court judgment has been satisfied or extinguished (usually by payment of the debt due), you can request the Central Office to note the ‘satisfaction’ on the judgment.  

When a High Court judgment has been satisfied or extinguished (usually by payment of the debt due), you can request the Central Office to note the ‘satisfaction’ on the judgment.  You must lodge the following documents:

  • Satisfaction Piece – a document drawn up and executed by the plaintiff creditor confirming that the debt has been satisfied – it should be stamped with court stamp duty – currently €25.00
  • Certificate of Satisfaction

If the judgment has been registered, you should also apply to have the registration marked as satisfied.  To do this, you must lodge the following documents:

  • Memorandum of Satisfaction on the Registration of a Judgment stamped with court duty – currently €25.00
  • Certificate of the Entry of a Memorandum of Satisfaction on the Registration of a Judgment.

If the registration relates to a judgment of the Circuit Court or District Court the memorandum of satisfaction must be signed by the relevant county registrar/court clerk before it is lodged in the Central Office.