All applications for transition year work experience should be emailed to

Applications to be appointed as a commissioner for oaths are made by petition to the Chief Justice sitting in open court. Please refer to Notaries Public & Commissioner for Oaths section.

Notaries public are appointed by the Chief Justice sitting in open Court. Please refer to Notaries Public & Commissioners for Oaths section.

Under Order 118 of the Rules of the Superior Courts the Supreme Court Office is closed on the following days: Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Day and the seven next following days, St. Patrick’s Day, Good Friday, Monday and Tuesday in Easter Week and the days duly appointed to be observed as public holidays in public offices.

Where the time for filing an application for leave expires on a day on which the Office is closed the application must be filed on the next day on which the Office opens.

You must, within seven days of the grant by the Court of leave to appeal, file notice in Form No. 3  that you intend to proceed with the appeal and serve that notice on each of the respondents to the appeal. Alternatively, you must file written notice of intention to withdraw or abandon the appeal.

You will be notified of the determination either by email or by post shortly after the panel meeting. Every determination of the Court is published on the Courts Service website. Find determinations here.

On receiving the additional book of documents, a panel of three judges of the Supreme Court convenes to consider whether the constitutional threshold for granting leave to appeal has been met. Having considered the application, the panel issues a written determination stating whether or not leave to appeal has been granted. While appeal hearings are conducted orally and in public, consideration of applications for leave to appeal generally take place in private, as is specifically provided for in the Court of Appeal Act 2014. The Court may direct an oral hearing of the application where it considers it appropriate to do so.

The following documents are to be included:

  • the application for leave
  • any respondent’s notice filed
  • the order appealed from
  • the approved order on foot of which that order was made
  • any final order or approved judgment(s) of all other courts below
  • a certificate of service.

See paragraph 8 of Practice Direction SC 19.

You can make a cross application by completing the relevant section on the Respondent’s Notice.

All forms relevant to the Supreme Court are on the website here.

  • a completed Form 1.
  • an attested copy of the order from which leave to appeal is sought
  • where a written judgment has been given:
    • an attested copy approved by the court (if available)
    • if not immediately available, promptly after it becomes available.

See also How do I file an application for leave to appeal?