Recognising the hundreds of people who have chosen to make a change over the past 21 years
Graduates of the Drug Treatment Court, colleagues from the Courts Service, Health Service Executive, An Garda Síochána, The Probation Service, City of Dublin Education and Training Board, and members of the Judiciary came together yesterday in the Morrison Hotel, Ormond Quay Lower, Dublin 7 to mark the 21st Anniversary of the Drug Treatment Court.
The event was dedicated to the hundreds of participants who have passed through the programme since 2001 and chosen to change their lives. The Drug Treatment Court is a District Court offering an alternative to custody and providing a full programme of treatment, education, and rehabilitation for people with problem drug use, who want to make positive changes to their lives.
Speaking at the event Frank Feighan, TD, Minister of State with responsibility for Public Health, Well Being and National Drugs Strategy said: “The Drug Treatment Court is in keeping with a health-led approach to drug use. It treats people with compassion and offers an alternative to a criminal conviction and imprisonment. I commend the public services who support the court and the participants who use the opportunity to take the first steps towards rehabilitation and recovery.’
The Drug Treatment Court works to meet participants where they are at in their rehabilitation and recovery.
Ms. Angela Denning of the Courts Service also speaking at the event noted “The Drug Treatment Court is a unique place where nurses, counsellors and educators work alongside the Probation Service, the Judiciary and the Courts Service to provide a holistic approach to each person’s treatment and in doing so create a community of support around the person. It is great to see the various graduates who have taken positive steps to help themselves through the programmes offered. When participants are going through the programme they gradually become drug free which can help reduce the 20,140 drug offences and other related offences being committed annually in this country.”
Speakers included, graduates of the programme, team members from the Courts Service, Health Service Executive, An Garda Síochána, The Probation Service and the City of Dublin Education and Training Board, and retired judges who formerly sat in the Drug Treatment Court.
For more information on the Drug Treatment Court please go to:
Drug Treatment Court