Direction of the President of the High Court as to Arrangements in Personal Insolvency matters during Covid-19 crisis
"All applications for protective certificates (those already lodged and those to be lodged) will be deferred unless the Personal Insolvency Practitioner in each case notifies the Central Office ( by email that the application is urgent, and provides a brief explanation of the circumstances warranting urgency.
Similarly, applications to approve Debt Settlement Arrangements/Personal Insolvency Arrangements which have passed at creditors meetings will be deferred unless the Personal Insolvency Practitioner notifies the Central Office by email that the application is urgent, and sets out a brief explanation of the circumstances warranting urgency.
Applications for extensions of protective certificates can be made without an affidavit being filed with the motion. However, an email from the Personal Insolvency Practitioner must be provided setting out the background to the matter and the manner in which the statutory criteria for such an extension have been met. Failure to furnish such an email or to satisfy the statutory criteria may result in refusal of the application. The court may require that an affidavit be sworn in relation to the application, and an undertaking to the court must be provided that the original stamped Notice of Motion, and any such affidavit as may be required by the court, will be lodged in the Central Office.
In relation to emergency consent orders, the attention of practitioners is directed to the practice direction of this court (HC 89) of 23rd March 2020."