The Legal Research and Library Services Committee was created in December 2020. The purpose of the Committee is to provide judicial input and guidance to the management team of the Legal Research and Library Services (LRLS) regarding the provision of legal research and library services. The Committee provides support with regard to the maintenance of existing services, as well as for the development and progress of new initiatives for the benefit of the judiciary.
The committee members are:
The Hon. Mr Justice Brian O’Moore (Chair);
The Hon Mr Justice Brian Murray;
The Hon. Mr Justice Peter Charleton;
The Hon Mr Justice Mark Heslin;
Her Honour Judge Pauline Codd;
Judge Colm Roberts; and
Eamonn Doherty, Head of Legal Research and Library Services.
In summary, the LRLS covers a wide remit including running the Judges’ Library, management of the Research Support Office (RSO) and Judicial Assistants (JAs), European Union and International Committee work, implementation of our Knowledge Management (KM) system and training of the Judicial Assistants (JAs) and Research Support Associates (RSAs).