Index of Legal Costs Adjudication Forms

Form No. 1 Notice of Application for Adjudication of Costs (Party and Party) - O. 99, r. 23(1)
Form No. 1A Notice of a Hearing date for Adjudication on Legal Costs (Party and Party) - O. 99, r. 23(1)
Form No. 2 Notice of Application for Adjudication of Costs (Legal Practitioner and Client) - O. 99, r. 23(1)
Form No. 2A Notice of a Hearing date for Adjudication on Legal Costs (Legal Practitioner and Client) - O. 99, r. 23(1)
Form No. 3 Bill of Costs for Adjudication - O. 99, r. 26(5)
Form No. 4 Notice of Application for Consideration of a Decision(s) and for a determination under s.160(1) of the LSRA 2015 - O. 99, r. 37
Form No. 5 Notice of Lodgement in Satisfaction of Costs - O. 99, r. 57(3), (4)
Form No. 6 Acceptance of the Sum Paid into Court in Satisfaction of Costs - O. 99, r. 58(1)
Form No. 7 Certificate of Determination in the Matter of an Adjudication of Costs (Party and Party) - O. 99, r. 28
Form No. 7A Interim Certificate of Determination in the Matter of an Adjudication of Costs (Party and Party) - O. 99, r. 28 – Where Consideration sought - O.99, r.37(2)
Form No. 7B Certificate of Determination in the Matter of an Adjudication of Costs (Party and Party), where Lodged/Tendered Money Exceeds Determined Costs – O.99, r.60
Form No. 8 Certificate of Determination in the Matter of an Adjudication of Costs (Legal Practitioner and Client) - O. 99, r. 28
Form No. 8A Interim Certificate of Determination in the Matter of an Adjudication of Costs (Legal Practitioner and Client) - O. 99, r. 28 – Where Consideration sought - O.99, r.37(2)
Form No. 8B Certificate of Determination in the Matter of an Adjudication of Costs (Legal Practitioner and Client)  - Where 15 % applies - s.158(3) and s.158(4) of the LSRA 2015 - O. 99, r. 28 - O.99, r.37(2)
Form No. 8C Certificate of Determination in the Matter of an Adjudication of Costs (Legal Practitioner and Client)  - Where 15 % applies and Costs of Adjudication applies  - s.158(3) and s.158(4) of the LSRA 2015 - O. 99, r. 28 - O.99, r.37(2)
Form No. 8D Certificate of Determination in the Matter of an Adjudication of Costs (Legal Practitioner and Client), where Lodged/Tendered Money Exceeds Determined Costs – O.99, r.60
Form No. 9 Notice in the Matter of an Adjudication of Costs - s.163 of the LSRA, 2015 and O.99 r, 24(1)(iv)
Form No. 10 Consent in the Matter of s.7(3) of the Courts Act, 2016, In the Matter of s.165 of the LSRA, 2015
Form No. 11 Affidavit of Tots of Costs - O. 99, r. 28
Forms No. 12 to 17 Please Note:-  Form No.12 through to Form No.17 are internal forms and as such are not listed or available for external use
Form No. 18 Certificate of In Camera Status - s.140(3)(a)(i)(ii)
Form No. 19 Request for Lodgment in Court, O. 99 R. 57
Form No. 20 Request for payment of money lodged in satisfaction of costs, O. 99 R. 58
Form No. 21 Request for payment of money lodged in partial satisfaction of costs duly certified O. 99 R. 59
Form No. 22 Request for partial payment of money lodged in satisfaction of costs duly certified O.99 R. 60
Form No. 23 Request for payment of balance of money lodged by party who lodged funds after payment in satisfaction of costs duly certified, O. 99 R. 60(5)
Form No. 24 Request for payment of money lodged by party who lodged funds pursuant to the direction of the chief legal costs adjudicator O. 99 R. 60(6)
Form No. 25 Request for payment of money lodged in partial satisfaction of costs on foot of an interim certificate O. 99 R. 59
Form No. 26 Notice of Application to Extend Time to Make a Lodgment/Tender in Satisfaction of Costs - O.99, r.57(1)
Form No. 27 Extension of Time to Make a Lodgment/Tender in Satisfaction of Costs - O.99, r.57(1)
Form No. 28 Direction for the Partial Payment of Moneys Lodged in Satisfaction of Costs - O. 99, r. 60(6)