Miscellaneous High Court Notices

Miscellaneous High Court Notices

High Court Extradition List

The purpose of Guidance Document and Core Booklet is to increase the efficiency in the extradition list and to ensure that all practitioners are aware of the manner in which the list is run.
High Court Extradition List - Guidance Document and Core Booklet

Rules of the Superior Courts

Rules of the Superior Courts (Chancery and Non-Jury actions and other designated proceedings:  pre-trial procedures) 2016 (S.I. No. 255 of 2016)
amending order 22 and inserting order 63C & appendix JJ

Following representations which have been made to the President of the High Court and pending the provision of appropriate necessary resources the President does not intend to appoint either a list judge or registrar within the meaning of the above rules. Consequently these rules shall have no practical effect pending such assignments being made.
When these assignments come to be made at least two months advance notice of them will be provided to practitioners.

Kevin O’Neill
Principal Registrar
High Court
22nd September 2016

Rules of the Superior Courts (Conduct of Trials) 2016 (S.I. No. 254 of 2016)
amending orders 20, 21, 31, 36 & 39

Practitioners are reminded that these Rules of Court come into operation on 1st October, 2016.  

Kevin O’Neill
Principal Registrar
High Court
22nd September 2016