If you are unable to pay your debts, you can petition the court to adjudicate you a Bankrupt 

If you are adjudicated to be a bankrupt by the court, the ownership of your property transfers to the Official Assignee in Bankruptcy, to be sold by him for the benefit of those to whom you owe money.

Where do I start?

Information on whether bankruptcy is the right insolvency solution for you is available on the website of the Insolvency Service of Ireland.

Procedures and further information

The Insolvency Service of Ireland website contains detailed notes and information guides on the bankruptcy process.

What is the role of the Office of the Examiner in bankruptcy applications?

The Office of the Examiner looks after the administration of the Bankruptcy List of the High Court and deals with the paperwork needed to be lodged in order to obtain a hearing date.

The bankruptcy list is heard on Mondays during the court term.

The forms needed to be completed for court can be found here.

When filing your documents in the Examiner’s Office you must bring one original and two copies of each document.

Bankruptcy searches

The Bankruptcy Register Online contains details of personal bankruptcies for Ireland and is maintained by the Office of the Examiner.

It is available to search free of charge on the Courts Service On Line website (www.csol.ie).

Solicitor applications for creditors (updated October 2019)