CIRCUIT                                                                                                                      COUNTY OF


IN THE MATTER OF .......………............, APPLICANT

...........…………………. Plaintiff
.......................…. Defendant

Let all persons claiming to be interested in the debt, moneys, goods or chattels mentioned in the Indorsement of Claim herein, enter or cause to be entered within ten days from the service of this Summons, an Appearance with the County Registrar at his Office at .................... to answer the application of A.B. of ......................... in the County of .................. the Applicant herein for relief by way of interpleader.

And further let each such claimants take notice that unless he do enter an Appearance within the time limited as aforesaid he will be held to have relinquished all claim to the said debt, moneys, goods or chattels as the case may be and such order may be made as to the Court may seem just.
And further let each of such claimants take notice that if he should desire to maintain any claim to the said debt, moneys, goods or chattels he must, within ten days from the entry of such Appearance, file a statement in the said Office setting forth the nature and particulars of his claim to the subject matter in dispute and shall serve a copy of such Appearance and statement upon the Applicant and each other Claimant and such service may be effected by post.

Dated this ... day of ........ .

To: .......………………….......... of

Signed ........................…………………...............


A.B. or Solicitor for A.B.


The Applicant's claim is to have it determined by the Court whether (describe the property). .............................…....…. in which he himself claims no interest is the property of the said C.D. or the said E.F.. The Applicant avers that he is not in collusion with the said C.D. or the said E.F. and declares that he is willing to hold the said or transfer the same as the Court may direct.
The Applicant claims also the costs of these proceedings as the Court may determine.

Signed ......……............... 
Applicant/Solicitors for the Applicant