
A taxing-master may in any case require the bill of costs to be stamped before taxation with the amount of fees which would be payable if the bill were allowed by him or her at the full amount thereof, including, in cases under the Solicitors (Ireland) Act 1849, the fee payable in respect of the cash account.

Part 6 - Fees payable in the Taxing-Masters' office

Item Fee Document to be stamped
1. On a notice to tax, except on an ex parte taxation €275.00 The notice
2. On the taking of a cash account between the solicitor and his or her client on a taxation under the Solicitors (Ireland) Act 1849 or otherwise -
for every €100.00 or fraction of €100.00 of the amounts found to have been received and paid
€1.00 The bill
3. On the taxation of a bill of costs-
for every full €100.00 in the amount allowed (including witnesses' expenses)
€8.00 (Credit is to be given for the fee paid in respect of the item at reference number 1 above) The bill
4. On the issue of a certificate of taxation €68.00 The certificate or court fee card
5. On carrying in objections to the allowance or disallowance of any item or items in a bill of costs €68.00 The objections
6. On a report of a taxing master as to the grounds of his or her decision to allow or disallow any item or items in a bill of costs €24.00 The report
7. On a report of a taxing master as to security for costs in a matrimonial case €24.00 The report