
In this section you will find the fees payable in the offices attached to the Supreme Court and the High Court in the District Probate Registries for copies of documents.

Part 1 - Fees payable in the offices attached to the Supreme Court and the High Court and in the District Probate Registries for copies of documents

Item Fee Document to be stamped
1. (a)  Subject to paragraph (b), for issuing a printed copy of a document on a court file whether attested or plain, other than a
  1. a copy of a judgment, or
  2. a copy of written legal submissions referred to at reference number 3 of this column
€15.00 The copy document or court fee card
(b) for making an attested copy of a criminal appeal transcript €0.80 per page The attested copy or court fee card
2. For provision of a copy judgment €14.00 plus an additional €1.00 in respect of every 4 pages photocopied The attested copy or court fee card
3. For provision of a copy of written submissions lodged in or transmitted the Supreme Court Office or handed in to the Supreme Court on or after 7 October 2013 in relation to, or in the course of, the hearing of any appeal or matter €14.00 plus an additional €1.00 in respect of every 4 pages photocopied The attested copy or court fee card
4. For examining a copy of any document and marking it as an attested copy €6.50 per page The attested copy
5. For a photographic copy of a plan, map, section, drawing, photograph or diagram €6.50 The copy or court fee card
6. For signing and certifying a document for proof pursuant to the Evidence Act 1851 €6.50 per page The document