
In this section you will find the fees payable in the offices attached to the Supreme Court and the High Court in the District Probate Registries for copies of documents.

Part 5 - Fees payable in the Accountant's Office

Item Fee Document to be stamped
1. On a direction by the court or the accountant to pay or invest or place money on deposit or transfer stock or shares, where the amount or value exceeds €100.00 - for every €100.00 or part thereof in excess of the first €100.00 €1.15
(fee not to exceed €1,200 in any case)
The direction
2. On a certificate of the amount and description of funds to credit of any account in the books of the accountant €20.00 The certificate or court fee card
3. On a transcript of an account €20.00 The transcript
4. On a request for lodgement of funds in court without an order €20.00 The request
5. On a request to the accountant for payment of money out of court without an order €20.00 The request
6. On lodging a power of attorney €20.00 The power of attorney
7. On a request for a certificate of the lodgement of any funds in court €20.00 The request