In pursuance of section 7(3) of the Courts Act 1964 the within was served by me on the Defendant, ................... at ....... am/pm on the .......... day of ................... 20.... by handing a copy thereof to (if a person was served on behalf of the defendant, state the name of the person served and that person’s relationship to the defendant) ......................... at *.................................

Endorsed this ....... day of ................... 20 .............

Signed ...............................................


I, ................... of ..................., aged eighteen years and upwards, do solemnly and sincerely declare:

1. That I did serve the within ................... dated the .......... day of ................... 20.... on the within named Defendant at .................................................... by handing a copy thereof to ............................................. (if a person was served on behalf of the defendant, state the name of the person served, that person’s relationship to the defendant and that s/he was aged sixteen or over).

2. At the time of such service I was acquainted with the appearance of the said defendant ............................... (or the said .......................... ) (or state basis for belief that the correct person has been served in accordance with O.11)

And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1938 and the Courts Act 1964 empowering this Declaration to be used as proof of service of the said .............

Signed .........................................

Declared before me..................... (name in capitals) a

†notary public

†commissioner for oaths

†peace commissioner

†person authorised by (insert authorising statutory provision) ........................... to take and receive statutory declarations

by the said ................

†who is personally known to me,

†who is identified to me by ........................ who is personally known to me

†whose identity has been established to me before the taking of this Declaration by the production to me of

††passport no. .................. issued on the ........... day of ................. by the authorities of ................., which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government,

††national identity card no. ........................... issued on the ........... day of ................. by the authorities of ....................... which is an EU Member State, the Swiss Confederation or a Contracting Party to the EEA Agreement,

††Aliens Passport no. ..................... issued on the ........... day of ................. by the authorities of ............. which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government,

††refugee travel document no. .................. issued on the ........... day of................. by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform,

†† travel document (other than refugee travel document) ........................ issued on the ........ day of................. by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform,

at ........................... this ..... day of ................ 20 ..........

Signed ......................................

†notary public

†commissioner for oaths

†peace commissioner

†person authorised by (insert authorising statutory provision) ........................... to take and receive statutory declarations

*Postal address in full

† Delete words or clauses which are not applicable.

††Where relevant, provide details of the document by which identity has been established, and delete the remaining alternatives.






Form 1C inserted by S.I. No. 132 of 2009, effective 3 April 2009.