CIRCUIT                                                                                                                            COUNTY OF

Certificate issuing after conviction

(Section 96(1) Criminal Justice Act 2006)

Certificate no. ............................

People (D.P.P.) -v- ...............................

Case/ Bill no .......................

Defendant’s name .............................

Defendant’s Address. .....................................

Defendant’s date of birth .........................

Date of Conviction .............................

Court Venue ............................

Date of Sentence (if different) .....................................................................................

Offence(s) of which the person was convicted




The above named defendant was convicted of the above offence(s) on the above date and has become *[may become] subject to the requirements of Part 9 of the Criminal Justice Act 2006.


 ........................................... County Registrar/Combined Office Manager / Nominated Signatory on behalf of the County Registrar

To be transmitted immediately to:

(1) The Detective Chief Superintendent, Garda National Drugs Unit, Dublin Castle, Dublin 2 Fax (01) 6669985

(2) The person convicted of the offence(s)

(3) *The person in charge of the place to which the person has been ordered to be imprisoned.

This form is to be used where a person has been convicted on indictment of a drug trafficking offence within the meaning of the Criminal Justice Act 2006.


* Insert as appropriate


Forms 47A, 47B, 47C, 47D, 47E and 47F inserted by S.I. 169 of 2007, effective 22 May 2007; also modified in effect as regards signature/authentication by SI 583 of 2009, effective 11 January 2010.