..........………. Plaintiff
...........………. Defendant
I, ................, of .........………… (place of abode and description), the plaintiff (or ............, of (place of abode and description) .....………....... , the Defendant) in this action, MAKE OATH and say as follows:-
1. No paper or parchment writing at any time made or written by or under the direction of ….. late of (place of abode and description) .....……...... deceased, the deceased in this cause, being or purporting to be a will, codicil, draft or copy of a will or codicil, or of any part of a will or codicil, or written instructions for a will or codicil, or for any part of a will or codicil, or having the form or effect of a will or codicil, or of a part of a will or codicil, or other testamentary disposition of the said …………..........., has at any time, either before or since his death, come to the hands, possession, or knowledge, or under the control of me, this deponent, save and except the true and original last will (and one codicil or codicils, or draft copies, or as the case may be) of said deceased hereunto annexed, the said will, bearing date the ...... day of ..... (and the said codicil (or as the case may be) bearing date etc.) and also save and except (here add the dates and particulars of any other testamentary papers of which the deponent has any knowledge, information, or belief; and state the person or persons in whose possession same are; and the address of such person or persons), and also save and except the next hereinafter-mentioned papers (here describe the papers, with dates, etc.), which I verily believe are in the possession or under the control of .............................. of ................. and I say that I have note, nor has any person for me, or by my consent or desire, or at all to my knowledge or belief cancelled, suppressed, or destroyed, or caused to be cancelled, suppressed, or destroyed, any paper or parchment writing, being or purporting to be a will, codicil, or part of a will or codicil, draft or copy of a will or codicil, or of any part of a will or codicil, draft or copy of a will or codicil, or of any part of a will or codicil, or written instructions for a will or codicil, or for any part thereof, or having the form or effect of a will or codicil or other testamentary disposition, or any part of a will or codicil or other testamentary disposition of the said ................. deceased.
SWORN etc.
This affidavit is filed on behalf of ...........