On a Monday there are four Common Law Lists.

Motions for the sitting of the Court and garnishee motions, motions on notice in Summary and Plenary Proceedings
Motions on notice in Summary and Plenary proceedings (Lists 2, 3 & 4).

Practitioners should read Practice Directions HC48 and HC84. Any Motion the hearing of which is likely to exceed fifteen minutes can, on request, be transferred to the following Thursday  in the Non Jury List for mention to get a date for hearing

Applications on consent (save Motions listed for the sitting of the Court) are dealt with at 10.30 o'clock by the Registrar in the Court to which the lists are assigned.

Discovery Motions - Where an Order for discovery is made it is the responsibility of the moving party to provide to the Registrar the name of the deponent to swear the affidavit of discovery.

When an Order for Discovery is granted a Word version of the Motion on which the Order for discovery was granted must be e-mailed to the Registrar sitting in the relevant list

On alternate Mondays there is also a Summary Summons list (as per practice direction HC84) Applications on consent (save Motions listed for the sitting of the Court) are dealt with at 10.30 o'clock by the Registrar in the Court to which the list is assigned.