Consideration is being given to the setting up of a users’ group for the Planning & Environment Court. Expressions of interest are sought from stakeholders with an interest in participating in the group. Terms of reference and participation are under consideration but it is anticipated that the primary purpose of the Group would be to keep procedures in the Court under review and apprise the Judge in Charge of the List of ways in which procedures can be improved.
The group would have at least one in person meeting per year and would meet more frequently to discuss texts in the event that rules or procedures were under active review. Participants would be invited to join the Group based on a representative selection of the various stakeholders. Those wishing to express an interest should therefore identify the primary category of stakeholders whose perspectives they hold or in the case of legal representatives, whose perspectives they most frequently represent (noting that some professional stakeholders will represent a diversity of opinions).
Submissions are also welcome from any interested parties on appropriate issues to be considered by the group and terms of reference etc.
Depending on the responses, the Group may be established on a pilot basis initially.
Expressions of interest or submissions on the working of such a Group should be sent to by 4 pm on Friday 6 December 2024.
Expressions of interest are invited from any relevant stakeholder with an ongoing practical involvement in the procedures in the Court and a willingness to engage constructively with other stakeholders and the Court. This may include parties where appropriate or any other relevant stakeholder and is not confined to legal practitioners.