Types of cases

Claims valued at not less than €1,000,000 in respect of claims of contract or tort arising out of business transactions and certain types of arbitration claims, intellectual property, Judicial Reviews where the judge in charge of the list deems it appropriate

 Listing procedures

Applications for entry into the list are made on Motion each Monday in term. Once a case has been entered into the List, the matter is case managed and pretrial directions are given by the judge in charge of the List. A hearing date is allocated by the judge in charge of the list.

Papers for each Monday’s motion list in the Commercial Court are required to be lodged in the Central Office 4.30 p.m. on the previous Wednesday. Each Friday (as per High Court Practice Direction 85) during term there is a listing before the judge in charge of the commercial list of the cases listed for trial during the following week to ensure that all pre-trial directions given by the court have been complied with in full.

Find more information on the Commercial Court page