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Concerned Residents of Treascon and Clondoolusk -V- An Bord Pleanala, Ireland and the Attorney General and Elgin Energy Services Limited
Judgment ByMurray J.
CourtSupreme Court
Date Delivered04 July 2024
Neutral Citation[2024] IESC 28
Record Number35/2023
Date Uploaded04 July 2024
ResultDismiss Appeal
High Court Record Number2021 No. 1009 JR (2022 24 COM)
Supreme Court Record Number35/2023
Overall ResultDismiss Appeal
Composition of the CourtO'Donnell C.J.;Woulfe J.;Murray J.;Collins J.;Donnelly J.
Judgments By Concurring Dissenting
Murray J. O'Donnell C.J.;Woulfe J.;Collins J.;Donnelly J.

Associated documents

Below includes the list of documents relevant to the matter above

[2024]_IESC_28_ Memo.pdf
[2024]_IESC_28_ Murray J..docx