The Courts Service set up a Judicial Support Unit in late 1999 to provide support services to Judges.

The Courts Service set up the Judicial Support Unit in late 1999 to provide support services to judges. The Unit also provides administrative support to the Judicial Appointments Advisory Board.  In addition to having a wide number of functions, the Unit acts as a point of contact or a first port of call for many of the queries or work related difficulties a judge may have.

What do we do?
The Judicial Support Unit supports the following:

  • Judicial Appointments Advisory Board
  • Judicial travel and accommodation arrangements
  • Foreign travel for Judges and staff
  • Judicial attire
  • Provision of general administrative support for Judiciary
  • Validation of Circuit & District Court Judges' travel and subsistence claims
Head of Unit and Protocol Officer: Ms. Audrey Mohan


Judicial Appointments Advisory Board
and all general queries:
Ms. Audrey Mohan 01-8886826
Official Events Manager and all general queries Ms. Avril Brady 01-8886722
Foreign Travel and all general queries: Mr. Damien Dawson


Home Travel and Subsistence - Validation
and all general queries:
Ms. Elaine Gorman 01-8886064
Judicial Attire and PIA and Circuit arrangements for
Superior Courts and all general queries:
Ms. Erica Folan  01-8886429
All correspondence should be directed to: Judicial Support Unit, 
Phoenix House,
15-24 Phoenix Street North,
Dublin 7.
Travel & Subsistence: Travel and Subsistence Validation Unit,
Courts Service,
Phoenix House, 15 – 24 Phoenix Street North, Smithfield, Dublin 7.
Judicial ICT Trainer: 

Mr. Eoin Murray

Details of Judicial Expenses can be found in our Publications.

The Judicial Support Unit deals with:

  • Validation of Circuit and District Court Judges travel and subsistence claims
  • Judicial Attire
  • ID cards for Judges
  • Judges’ Information Handbook
  • Accommodation and Imprests for Superior Courts Judges on Circuit
  • Judicial Visitors
  • Foreign Travel
  • Protocol matters
  • Liaising with the Department of Justice


The Judicial Appointments Advisory Board was established pursuant to the Courts and Court Officers Act, 1995, as amended.  The purpose of the Board is to identify persons and inform the Government of the suitability of those persons for appointment to judicial office.
Board Members
The Board consists of:

  • The Hon. Mr. Justice Donal O'Donnell, Chief Justice (Chairperson)
  • The Hon. Mr. Justice George Birmingham, President of the Court of Appeal
  • The Hon. Mr. Justice David Barniville, President of the High Court
  • The Hon. Ms. Justice Patricia Ryan, President of the Circuit Court
  • His Honour Judge Paul Kelly, President of the District Court
  • Mr. Rossa Fanning SC, Attorney General
  • Ms. Sara Phelan SC, Nominee and Chair of the Council of the Bar of Ireland
  • Mr. John Shaw, Nominee of the Law Society
  • Dr. Eleanor O'Higgins
  • *Vacancy
  • *Vacancy

Ms. Linda Memery  Secretary to the Board

Contact Details: Judicial Appointments Advisory Board,
15/24 Phoenix Street North,
Smithfield, Dublin 7.
Tel: +353 1 888 6826 