
In this section you will find the fees payable in the offices attached to the Supreme Court and the High Court and in the District Probate Registries for copies of documents.

Part 4 - Fees payable in the Central Office and the Examiner's Office

Item Fees Document to be stamped
A. Originating Summons
1. On sealing a - 
  1. plenary summons,
  2. special summons, or
  3. summary summons in a claim to which Rule 1(2), 1(3) or 2 of Order 2 of the Rules of the Superior Courts applies,
and filing a copy
€190.00 The filed copy
2. On sealing a - 
  1. concurrent plenary summons,
  2. concurrent special summons, or
  3. concurrent summary summons in a claim to which Rule 1(2), 1(3) or 2 of Order 2 of the Rules of the Superior Courts applies
€190.00 The filed copy
3. On sealing a summary summons or a concurrent summary summons in a claim to which Rule 1(1) of Order 2 of the Rules of the Superior Courts applies, where the claim -    
  1. does not exceed €100,000.00 on the date of issue of the summons,
€150.00 The filed copy
  1. is greater than €100,000.00 but does not exceed €150,000.00 on the date of issue of the summons,
€170.00 The filed copy
  1. is greater than €150,000.00 but does not exceed €500,000.00 on the date of issue of the summons,
€190.00 The filed copy
  1. is greater than €500,000.00 but does not exceed €1,000,000.00 on the date of issue of the summons,
€250.00 The filed copy
  1. is greater than €1,000,000.00 on the date of issue of the summons
€400.00 The filed copy
4. On filing a petition €190.00 The original petition
5. On any originating ex parte application (excepting habeas corpus), in addition to fee on filing affidavit €190.00 The affidavit filed in support of the application
6. On sealing any order under Rule 1 or Rule 18 of Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts €24.00 The original order
7. On sealing a third party notice €60.00 The filed copy
8. On filing any originating notice of motion (in addition to filing an affidavit) €190.00 The notice
B. Appearances
9. On entering an appearance €60.00 The memorandum
C. Affidavits, etc.

10. On filing an affidavit

€20.00 The affidavit
11. On filing a script annexed to an affidavit of scripts €20.00 (not to exceed, for any number of scripts, €150.00) The affidavit of scripts
D. Notices of Motion, etc.
12. On filing a notice of motion €60.00 The memorandum
13. On every - 
  1. ex parte application, or
  2. other application
to the court otherwise not specifically provided for
€60.00 The original notice or ex parte docket
14. On filing a notice other than a notice to which the items at reference numbers 12, 15 and 16 of this column relate €60.00 The notice
15. On filing a notice of appeal from the Master €60.00 The notice of appeal
16. On lodging a notice of appeal from the Circuit Court to the High Court €130.00 The notice of appeal
17. (a) Subject to paragraph (b), on filing a notice of motion for entry of proceedings in the Commercial List of the High Court €5,000.00 The notice
(b) On filing a notice of motion in the Commercial List of the High Court in the proceedings that were entered in that list prior to 10 April 2012 €60.00 The notice
E. Setting Down, etc.
18. On setting down an action for trial €250.00 The setting down docket
19. On filing or lodging a case stated 70.00 The case stated
F. Orders
20. On every witness summons (i.e. subpoena ad testificandum or duces tecum) €20.00 The order or court fee card
21. Commission to examine witness or request in lieu of €20.00 The order or court fee card
22. On entering judgment in the Central Office in default of appearance or of pleading (in addition to filing affidavits) €85.00 The judgment
G. Certificates, etc.
23. On a certificate of pleadings or proceedings 15.00 The certificate or court fee card
24. On a certificate under Order 36, Rule 39, of the Rules of the Superior Courts €25.00 The certificate or court fee card

25. On a sale under an order of the Court of - 

  1. any lands or hereditaments, or
  2. any business (including the goodwill thereof), or
  3. any chattels, confirmed or approved by order or certificate:

for every €100.00 of the price


(Note: If for any reason after payment of this fee the sale is not completed and the property is subsequently sold to another purchaser, credit is to be given for the fee already paid on the abortive sale against the fee payable on the completed sale; but in no case is any of the fee paid on the abortive sale to be re-paid)

The order or certificate
26. On taking account of moneys received by a person liable to account for same - for every €100.00 of the amount received or, in the case of a company being wound up by the court, for every €100.00 of the moneys received by the liquidator in realisation of the assets of the company €4.00 The certificate or court fee card
27. On taking an account of moneys due to any person (other than moneys due to any person by a company or society being wound up by the court) - for every €100.00 of the amount found €2.50 The certificate or court fee card
28. On an inquiry to ascertain the person or persons interested in any property or entitled thereto as next-of-kin or heir-at-law or otherwise -    
  1. in all cases, save those set out in paragraph (b), for every €100 of the value of the property
€2.50 The certificate or court fee card
  1. on an enquiry to ascertain the next-of-kin or heir-at-law of any person -
  1. where such person is an ancestor of such next-of-kin or heir-at-law, or where the common ancestor is a parent
€17.00 The certificate or court fee card
  1. where the common ancestor is a grand-parent
€30.00 The certificate or court fee card
  1. where the common ancestor is a great-grandparent or a more remote ancestor
€55.00 The certificate or court fee card

29. On ascertaining pursuant to an order-

(a) the outstanding estate of a deceased person, (b) any property subject to a trust, mortgage or charge, or
(c) any partnership assets,

- for every €100.00 of the amount of value thereof

(The amount on which this fee is payable shall not include any outstanding debt believed to be bad or irrecoverable, but shall include all sums paid after the commencement of the proceedings to creditors or to persons beneficially interested)


(Only one fee shall be chargeable in respect of any particular property or moneys in respect of the item at references numbers 26 to 29 inclusive)

The certificate or court fee card
30. On settling-    
  1. a scheme for the management of a charity, or a scheme where the amount involved does not exceed €1,500.00,
€75.00 The scheme
  1. any other scheme
€130.00 The scheme
31. On signing, settling or approving-    
  1. any advertisement, or authority for a broadcast announcement, for any person entitled as next-of-kin, heir-at-law or otherwise to share in any property:
  1. for the first advertisement or authority signed in respect of any person or persons
€80.00 The posting
  1. for any subsequent advertisement or authority signed in respect of the person or persons,
€55.00 The posting
  1. any other advertisement
€55.00 The posting
32. On the examination of a witness-    
  1. before an officer of the court in his or her office (otherwise than for the purpose of any inquiry, taxation of costs or other proceedings before the officer) - for each hour or part of an hour
€20.00 and an amount equal to the reasonable expenses of the officer The order of appointment
  1. by an officer of the Court away from his or her office - for each day or part of a day
€75.00 and an amount equal to the reasonable expenses of the officer The order of appointment
33. On every application for an endorsement of a certificate for registration of a judgment mortgage in the Property Registration Authority €20.00 The certificate
H. Searches and Inspections
34. On an application to inspect any document filed or deposited in the Central Office more than three years before such application, unless otherwise expressly provided for by this Order €15.00
(to be charged whether or not a copy of the document is bespoken)
The search docket
35. On a memorandum for the registration of -    
  1. a decree of the District Court
€25.00 The memorandum
  1. a judgment of the Circuit Court
€25.00 The memorandum
  1. a judgment of the High Court
€25.00 The memorandum
36. On a memorandum for the re-entry of a judgment, decree, order or rule pursuant to the Judgments (Ireland) Act 1844 €25.00 The memorandum
37. On a memorandum for the registration of a lis pendens pursuant to the said Act


The memorandum
38. On a memorandum for the re-entry of a lis pendens pursuant to the said Act €25.00 The memorandum
39. On a requisition for liberty to search pursuant to the said Act - for each person searched against €25.00
(not to be charged if a requisition for an official search is lodged)
The search docket
40. On a memorandum for registration of the satisfaction or vacate of any judgment, bond or recognizance, decree, rule or order or for the re-docketing of any bonds or recognizances pursuant to the Land Transfer (Ireland) Act 1848 €25.00 The memorandum
41. On a requisition for a search for judgments or revivals entered up before 15 July 1850, and for decrees, rules, orders or civil bill decrees for poor rates made before 15 July 1850, and for lites pendentes registered against any person and for recognizances and bonds, judgments, statutes, inquisitions and acceptances of office registered or re-registered against the same person €25.00 The requisition
42. On a requisition for a search for judgments, revivals, decrees, rules, orders, lites pendentes, and civil bill decrees for poor rates registered or re-registered against any person and for recognizances and bonds, judgments, statutes, inquisitions and acceptances of office registered or re-registered against the same person €25.00 The requisition
43. On a requisition for a duplicate of a search pursuant to the Judgments Registry (Ireland) Act 1871 €25.00 The requisition
44. On a memorandum of vacate of a lis pendens €25.00 The memorandum
I. Bills of Sale
45. On filing a bill of sale €20.00 The filed copy
46. For a search in the bills of sale index €25.00
(to be charged whether or not a copy of the document is bespoken)
The search docket
47. For inspecting any bill of sale €10.00
(to be charged whether or not a copy of the document is bespoken)
The search docket
J. Bonds, etc.
48. On filing any recognizance or bond in the Central Office and giving a certificate thereof €20.00 The recognizance or bond
K. Powers of Attorney
49. On depositing a power of attorney in the Central Office pursuant to the Conveyancing Act 1881 €20.00 The power of attorney
50. For a search for a power of attorney so deposited, and for inspecting the same and the affidavit or other documents deposited therewith €25.00 (to be charged whether or not a copy of the document is bespoken) The search docket
L. Enrolment
51. On enrolling any deed or document - for each 10 folios or part of 10 folios €60.00 The deed or document