CIRCUIT                                                                                                              COUNTY OF



............. Plaintiff


............. Defendant

You are hereby required within ten days after the service of this Civil Bill upon you to enter or cause to be entered with the County Registrar, at his Office at .........., an Appearance to answer the claim of ........... of ........., the Plaintiff herein.

And take notice that unless you do enter an Appearance, you will be held to have admitted the said claim, and the Plaintiff may proceed therein and judgment may be given against you in your absence without further notice.

And further take notice that, if you intend to defend the proceeding on any grounds, you must not only enter an Appearance, but also, within ten days after Appearance, deliver a statement in writing showing the nature and grounds of your Defence.

The Appearance may be entered by posting same to the said Office and by giving copies thereof to the Plaintiff or his Solicitor by post and the Defence may be delivered by posting same to the Plaintiff or his Solicitor.

Dated the .... day of .......

Signed ............

Plaintiff/Solicitors for the Plaintiff

To : ..........

The Defendant/Solicitor for the Defendant


1. X.Y., late of ......... in the County of ....... (description) died on the .... day of ........ having made his last Will whereby he appointed the Defendant executor of the said Will.

2. Probate of the said Will was on the .... day of ...... granted to the Defendant.

3. The Plaintiff's claim is as (show interest) for the revocation of the said Grant of Probate upon the grounds following: ...........


The Plaintiff's claim is for the grant of letters of administration of the estate of ......... of ........... in the County of ........ who died on the .... day of ........, intestate.


The Plaintiff's claim is for the revocation of Probate/Letters of Administration granted forth of ....... Probate Registry on ..... in the matter of the estate of .......... in the County of .........

4. The value of the estate of the said deceased at the time of the death of the deceased in so far as it consists of personal estate does not exceed ........ [INSERT DETAILS OF MONETARY BASIS OF JURISDICTION] and in so far as it consists of real estate does not exceed €3,000,000.


Plaintiff/Solicitors for the Plaintiff


Form 2G substituted by S.I. No. 499 of 2017, effective 8 December 2017.